Anyone have any tips on how to stay patient? I have been getting more and more impatient lately and don't know if it's because of stress or whatever else it could be but I need to work on it.

Dads Group
Hey, been a while since I've checked in here. Life has been crazy lately. Here's how my Sundays are looking now that football season is back: Let's go Chiefs!!

I am starting to get nervous about dropping my kid off for a full day at daycare. We have been doing a few hours or a half day spent there but we were able to stay too. I hope the full day alone goes well. Is anyone else feeling this way?
Hey Timothy. I for sure know how you feel. I was never that worried or sad until just a few days before. My partner was stressed about it for at least a month though. It honestly does not get easier until the first day you pick them up at the end of the day and realize everything is actually okay.
Anyone have any tips on introducing a newborn to their siblings? I want it to go as smooth as possible!!
Congrats, it is an exciting time for you and your family for sure. The most important thing, in my opinion, is to prepare the older sibling before the delivery. Talk non stop about how they will soon have a baby brother or sister. Make sure they also feel included, let them pick out the baby a new toy or outfit or anything.
Meditation and breathing exercises have really helped. It may not seem like the "manliest" thing to do but it absolutely works!!