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Ask A Doula

Public·24 members

A really cool fact for you today!

Did you know in the birth world we have a term called "optimal position"? This is when the baby's back is anywhere but facing your back, which is referred to as OP.

OP babies have a hard time entering the pelvis and cause many issues like painful back labour, an extended time during pushing and so forth.

But do not fear! You can be proactive much sooner than finding this out during labour.

I recently just worked with a client to help encourage her baby to move OUT of OP position. Together we were able to convince him of such! Through the use of rebozo techniques and my Spinning Babies Training.

Curious to learn more? Check out this link to Spinning Babies, OP Babies

Paige Thompson

Did you know?

It is more likely that your water will break during active labour than at any other time. It ain't like the movies! In fact, this is a good thing! The bag of waters can act like a bit of a cushion, causing contractions to become more intense once it breaks.

Only 15% of people will experience SPROM = spontaneous rupture of membranes. Leaving the remaining 85% to experience it during labour!

Ester Shirin
Paige Thompson
Elodie Grondin
Caroline  Forbes TEST

Did you know?

Only 5% of babies are born ON their due date!

With a rate of 81% of first-time moms going past due.

Our culture LOVES when things happen fast. But birth is a wild beast and quickly reminds us we aren't in charge.

Did your baby come late, or early?

Samara Said
Elodie Grondin
Treehouse Team
Trinh Nguyen
Trinh Nguyen
Trinh Nguyen
Nov 15, 2022

I had no idea that there are only 5% of babies born on their due date! When I had my son he was actually born on the due date – January 29th!

Elisa Veenbaas
October 29, 2022 · changed the group description.

Got any pregnancy, birth, postpartum questions? Maybe you need tips on how to avoid those awful leg cramps in pregnancy. Or perhaps you don't know whether or not to make a birth plan. Need a list on what to put in your postpartum bathroom kit?

Ask A Doula!

There is no question too weird or wild for this group!

Let's learn along side one another!

Polina Andrievskaia
Elodie Grondin
Trinh Nguyen
Treehouse Team
Samara Said
Samara Said
Nov 15, 2022

Odd question – looking for the best bum cream. My son keeps getting a diaper rash and we are doing everything to keep him dry and clean but for some reason his huggies diapers are beginning to bother his skin. Any recommendations?


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Samara Said
Polina Andrievskaia


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